Opening August 2018 - TNT ELEMENTARY School servicing 1st through 5th grades. Montessori approach of sensory learning through the five senses, guided work and activity centers, development of cognitive powers, mirrors real work work and socialization, and fostering of peer tutoring.
Small classes, individual attention, which leads to a positive and personalized learning approach
Inspires Excellence
Our Middle and High school incorporate small classes, individual learning when needed, emphasizing self-esteem, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual growth. Students are not held back, they continue to work on their missing skills and accelerate the learned factors. By the time students finish our program they are well ahead of the government schools in standardized testing of SAT/ACT and others.
If your child is failing classes, having trouble focusing in class or on work- there is A PROBLEM. It will NOT get better unless you intervene. It will get worse. Do you want your child to graduate with a low GPA and be reading on a 5th or 6th grade reading level ??? - well that is what we are seeing. You must intervene EARLY in order for a child to be successful. Do not wait until high school- yes we can help the high schooled student but we can do more when they are in elementary and middle school. Come speak with us and give us a try!!!