HIPnation Lawrenceville - Dr. Shoheb Ali

Company Name
HIPnation Lawrenceville - Dr. Shoheb Ali
Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
175 Langley Dr
Suite A3
Lawrenceville, Georgia, 30046
United States

Company Details

Year Established

HIPnation provides employer groups and individuals with a new healthcare solution opportunity, replacing overpriced traditional insurance products. With the HIPnation solution, our members engage with their primary care physician as often as they need via office visits, phone, text, or telemedicine. There are no primary care copays. Dr. Shoheb Ali says, "I believe that working within the HIPnation model allows us to prioritize the quality of healthcare delivered, allowing providers to practice medicine in a patient-centric model while additionally reducing the burden of healthcare costs for patients." Dr. Ali grew up in Lawrenceville and is excited to be serving his own community.

Dr.  you engage with your Primary Care Physician, there is no cost—whether in the office, on the phone, or via text or email