Cosmic Crumb Sourdough Bakery

Company Name
Cosmic Crumb Sourdough Bakery
Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
Near intersection of Old Peachtree Rd & Prospect Rd
Lawrenceville, Georgia, 30043
United States

Company Details

Year Established

- Cosmic Crumb Sourdough Bakery by Strawberry Stephcakes -

Best of Gwinnett winner 2022 & 2023!


Sourdough breads, cookies, cakes, brownies, macarons, muffins, cupcakes, crepes, crumpets. I've been called the Carb Queen, and the title fits...

I adore baking and especially love the joy that baked goods can bring to others. I started baking in my (very poorly equipped) Navy barracks kitchen in California around 2001. I quickly realized that I wanted to make a career of it and became a life-long student of the art. Several big moves later, I began attending culinary school in Upstate NY, specializing in baking & pastry. I began my first home bakery at that time and enjoyed creating fun cakes, pretty pies, and delicious cookies for customers and wholesale to local restaurants. I also instructed private children's cooking & baking classes. Life kept moving and I kept baking and learning. My first sourdough starter was born in 2010. Mastering the challenge of creating beautiful and wholesome wild yeast breads is probably the most satisfying thing I have ever experienced in the realm of baking! I simply can't get enough of it - the most basic baking ingredients - just flour, water, salt, and wild yeast (sourdough starter) can be finessed into grand loaves with the proper technique. The benefits of baking with wild yeast are many, including superior flavor, increased bioavailability of nutrients, and ease of digestion - but that is a great topic for a whole new tab on my site. I have been operating my licensed cottage bakery from my home here in Lawrenceville, GA since 2020. I am a very fortunate mama (to 5 quirky and cool children) and partner to my beloved, Andy. I am most likely to be found in my kitchen dusted with flour, chasing an adorable baby, and listening to Smashing Pumpkins on repeat. I am soooo excited to share that my microbakery was voted Best of Gwinnett for 2022! Wow! I am filled with gratitude toward all of my loyal customers and supporters. Your confidence and enthusiasm means so much to me. My biggest dream is to open a small bakery in our town where I can craft my sourdough breads and other goodies and immerse myself in our community. I am moving toward that goal every day, one loaf at a time.