Gerard Prep School

Company Name
Gerard Prep School
Phone Number
263 Jackson St.
Lawrenceville, Georgia, 30046
United States

Company Details

CELEBRATING THREE DECADES of Educational Experience with Advanced, Exceptional and Distinct Learners

The Heart of the Matter at Gerard;  OUR MISSION IS THEIR SUCCESS!

The difference between failure and success is the number of opportunities to fail or succeed. The 360 Approach CREATES opportunities for learners to succeed. The more opportunities, the more successes. It’s pretty simple. Once we know them (and how they learn) we make sure they use their specific gifts and talents to engage in the learning process, learn the concepts and apply them (in a way interesting to them) and guess what?  Less failure, More success. Low self-esteem becomes confidence. And reluctant learners become motivated to jump in…That’s the 360...Doing it all for them, so they can do all they can…

Expanding our Understanding of Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

In November 2015, Mrs. Sinclair, Gerard’s founder,  was invited to be the keynote speaker at the UMatter Foundation Fundraiser.

Introduced by Ken Coleman (TV and Radio personality), at the completion of the 35-minute presentation, Mr. Coleman stated that Mrs. Sinclair was an expert in her field and the presentation was a college graduate level condensation of critical information.  The link provided is the PowerPoint created by Mrs. JGSinclair and shared at that event.

Over these past years, Gerard has been enrolling primarily students with distinct educational and personal requirements.   Our student population has become a blend of students who benefit and advance in a more personalized educational setting.  Through our smaller classroom sizes, specialized teachers and our 360 Approach we have seen continued and generous success among our students.  Our inclusive integrated learning groups produce the advanced confident learners who enjoy school, engage in learning, and show ongoing measurable progress, both keeping pace in some subjects and advancing beyond their grade levels in others.