Care4All Children Services

Company Details

Year Established

Care4All Children Services Inc., is a 501c3, non-profit Organization. We are a licensed Therapeutic Foster Care Agency by the state of Georgia under the Division of Family and Children Services to provide placements and social services to children in foster care. 

As a Therapeutic Foster Care agency, Care4All requires over 60 hours of pre-services training for potential foster parents and 24 hours of on-going annual training to ensure our foster parents have the tools needed to parent foster children. 

Care4All Children Services, Inc. offers case management to the children placed and 24/7 support to foster parents. We Serve both male and female children between the ages of birth - 21 years with behavior management needs. Medically fragile children, Children with specialized medical needs, Wheel-chair dependent children, Sibling groups, Children with learning disabilities, Children with a history of trauma, Children with a history with the Juvenile Justice System, Pregnant teens and or teen Mothers.