Mainstage Season consists of 6 productions including musicals, comedies and dramas and has 5,200 subscribers. Many productions are World, Regional or Georgia premieres. Sensory friendly performances are offered for select shows.
GGC Harvel Lab Series is a 3-show contemporary play series focused on college students and young professionals produced in our Studio theatre. We perform 1 show each year in Spanish with English supertitles as part of our Teatro Aurora programming.
Teatro Aurora produces one play in Spanish each season and curates a variety of community engagement events such as Dia de Los Muertos and Noche de Velas.
Learning Library (“L2”) consists of two productions that directly relate to the educational curriculum, specifically tailored to the Gwinnett County Public School System. Shows reinforce important Academic Knowledge Skills (AKS) and include study guides, pre-show and post-show discussions. Annually, over 15,000 students attend including many Title I schools, which receive discounted tickets and bus transportation reimbursements on an as-needed basis. Often, the shows are a student’s first professional arts experience. Color-conscious casting helps better reflect our community, so that young students can “see themselves” on stage.
Aurora Academy provides educational opportunities throughout the year for students of all ages. We offer professional instruction in a state-of-the art facility that encourages positive expression. Each summer, the Academy offers $15,000 worth of scholarships for students who could not otherwise afford our summer camps.
Children's Playhouse are Saturday morning shows featuring the best children’s performers in the region.
Comedy Nights are club-style comedy nights with the South’s best comedians.
Lawrenceville Ghost Tours are a 90-minute walking tour through historic, downtown Lawrenceville that present local history through the art of storytelling.