Georgia Cremation

Company Details

Year Established

We have been listening when families have said, "I just want something simple, no fancy funeral". Therefore, our family established Georgia Cremation. While most traditional funeral homes treat cremation as a side line, simple cremation is what we specialize in. We don't emphasize the sale of expensive caskets or the use of our staff or facilities for services. In doing so, we have greatly reduced our overhead and so our simple cremation charge is typically 40% less than most funeral homes. We provide our service for one low price and carry out your cremation wishes, Simply, Worry-free, and Affordably.

Cremation is more popular than ever. It is the perfect choice for those seeking a simple, tasteful service at an affordable price. With this option, you may choose to bury your loved one's cremated remains in a cemetery, scatter them in a garden or sea or keep them safely at home in an urn or another container. We offer cremation packages tailored to fit your unique needs and budget. Details of our packages can be found at