Anime Remix

Company Name
Anime Remix
Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
3343 Pucketts Mill Rd
Suite 100
Buford, Georgia, 30519
United States

Company Details

Year Established

We are a retailer that specializes in Japanese counter culture merchandise and accessories.  Our goal is to introduce Japanese counter-culture genre of anime, kawaii, harajuku, and more.   Merchandise will include but not limited to clothing, cosplay, accessories, and novelties like figurines, wallscrolls, and model kits .  In addition to great merchandise, we promise to provide you with great service.  Our staff are some of the most upbeat, friendly, and compassionate sales people in the industry.  We have pride in helping our customers to have an unforgettable shopping experience.  We travel all around the United State attending annual conventions and shows.  Hopefully, we will be vending at a convention near you.  If you see us, stop by and see how we can help you.

Please check out our calendars for all our attendances.