Old Towne Lawn & Landscaping LLC

Company Name
Old Towne Lawn & Landscaping LLC
Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
3984 Stonecypher Rd.
Suwanee, Georgia, 30024
United States

Company Details

Year Established

Old Towne Lawn & Landscaping give you the quality needed, so you get the results you're looking for.  

"Old Towne Quality"

From a young child I was involved in Lawn & Landscaping work. Because my family owned their own landscaping business, we were expected to help out our father and grandfather on any given task. We had on site training, rain or shine. To this very day, my family still runs a small Lawn & Landscaping Maintenance business in Hickory Tavern, SC located in Laurens County. Some examples of clients that they manage are: Dixie Youth Ball Fields & Parks in Laurens, SC, Laurens County Water Office & Tank Lots, Friendship Presbyterian Church, Union Baptist Church & many residential properties. We also graded home lots in Rabun Estates in Hickory Tavern, SC. 

After many years of learning the business through my family I am proud to open up Old Towne Lawn & Landscaping here in Suwanee, GA, and offer the same great quality to current and future clients. Old Towne Lawn & Landscaping offers Monthly / Yearly Commercial, Residential Maintenance, Installation, Fertilizing, Herbicide / Pesticide Treatment & Irrigation.  Email  info@oldtownelandscaping.com / Call 770-883-0403.