
Company Name
Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
470 N. Clayton St.
Suite 250
LAWRENCEVILLE, Georgia, 30046
United States

Company Details

Year Established

My name is Alecia Walker and I am the excited and proud owner of Artzie. I am a Wife, a Mom, a Sister, Aunt, Cousin, Teacher and Friend. Those I have shared my journey with know that at heart I am also a Social Worker, a Hippie, Traveler, Beach Lover, a Giver, Art Enthusiast and a Gypsy Soul. I look forward to this new adventure and meeting each of you and finding a new love for your Artzie journey.


Here we bring together local artists and entrepreneurs with a love and passion for all different beauties of art. We will strive to enlighten all levels of children and adults with their inner appreciation and pleasure of their experience.

Our desire is to unite different walks of life for an afternoon or evening to reach within and find their hidden talent and take home a personal "made with love" piece of treasure.