Mount Zion Weekday Preschool & Kindergarten

Company Details

Year Established

Mount Zion Weekday Preschool is one of the ongoing educational ministries of Mount Zion Baptist Church and provides a Christian learning environment for preschool children.  Our program is designed to provide a balance of activities and experiences that promote spiritual, social, academic, emotional and physical growth. We strive to give each child and family a happy and meaningful preschool experience. 

All classes are from 9:30am to 1:30pm.  The school year usually begins the last week in August and end the Friday before Gwinnett County Public Schools end. Our school year will correspond to the Gwinnett County School Calendar observing the same holidays and school closings for weather/emergencies. 

We offer 2 day, 3 day, 4 day and 5 day classes. Children must be 15 months, two, three or four years old by September 1st. One year old students must be walking and eating on their own. Three and Four year old students must be potty trained. 

Tours are offered in January at 10am and 10:30am on Thursdays without an appoitment. You may also call to schedule a tour at other days and times by calling the MZP office at 770-972-5014.  Information is also available on our website at by clicking on the MZP tab. Registration opens to the community in February.