Gwinnett Math Tutoring

Company Name
Gwinnett Math Tutoring
Phone Number
+1 770-765-0473
1862 Auburn Rd
Dacula, Georgia, 30019
United States

Company Details

Year Established

We offer subject and test prep tutoring for 6th grade through adult. We have helped students with math, science and humanities as well as adult students with graduate degree preparation and medical students. We have hosted students from over 12 high schools in the area including GSMST and home school students.

We use a mentoring approach focusing on "Learning How to Learn" rather than only passing the next test. Our goal is to make better students. We use only experienced teachers as tutors, as this helps form a deeper bond with the student.

SAT / ACT is a specialty for struggling as well as advanced students. We prefer individualized instruction over group classes where the unique needs of an individual can be overlooked.

We have successfully helped students from all walks in life. We have assisted students enter medical school, complete graduate degrees and adults complete professional certifications. We are most proud of the students brought from failing to passing seeing their confidence grow semester by semester.