E2E Benefits Services

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Year Established

Have you ever received an invoice from the hospital informing you of the thousands of dollars you owe them for the services they provided?

Did you have a moment of panic about that invoice?

Did you know what to do next?

Well, that’s what we do at E2E.  We help employers and their employees navigate through this type of situation.

Have you ever gone to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription only to be informed that you are not on the insurance plan? 

 Did that cause you concern or perhaps a minute of panic?

Who did you call? Well, employers who partner with E2E would know to contact us to resolve the problem. 

When these types of situations occur, we help you get the services you deserve.   

When COVID became a real issue and businesses were closing or furloughing employees and Congress was passing the CARES Act, and the Families First Act, where did you find the details of the many changes and new rules?

E2E experts became a resource for employers and their employees to adjust and take the next steps. We helped employers keep their businesses open and understand the changes to their employee benefits.

As an employer or human resource professional, are you "wearing too many hats?"

If you're trying to manage priorities for employee benefits and enrollment while providing claims support (like the two examples of the hospital invoice and the pharmacy coverage denial), you need help.

If you're trying to meet compliance deadlines, run monthly payroll reports and manage your human resource budget, you need help.

E2E Experts will manage your employee benefits and human resource admin issues with compassion and urgency. E2E is your single source for benefits, compliance, payroll and employee benefit support.

Go to www.e2eresources.com/toomanyhats to learn more and let us know how we can help.